Charting a Sustainable Future

Earlier this month, April 22nd, marked 50 years since the very first Earth Day, a day when 20 million Americans — 10% of the U.S. population at the time — mobilized to raise awareness about mankind’s ongoing environmental destruction and called for a new direction with respect to global environmental policy.

For many of us, this semi-centennial milestone barely registered on the radar. Given the current circumstances, it is unsurprising and understandable. And yet I know, at least for myself, that missing Earth Day 2020 was another reminder that the sustainable future we all hope for requires a new level of disciplined focus, even in the midst of swirling crises, if we are to succeed.

Many individuals and organizations in our SICI community understand this and have helped us keep our eyes on the prize by bringing us back to the concepts of resilience, interdependence, and ecosystems.

Whether at the level of the self, organization, community, or planet, these colleagues have integrated sustainability into their COVID-19 action and planning. I share their examples in the hopes that you will feel inspired to keep the long game in mind, even as we navigate the rough waters just around us.

  • Self-Inquiry for Social Change Leaders
    Katherine Milligan and SICI supporter Jeff Walker examine the benefits of continuous self-inquiry for leaders of social change, particularly those facing continuous, intense stress.
  • Catalyzing Change Campaign by Catalyst 2030
    Virtual sessions (happening April 30th and May 1st!) featuring social change innovators dedicated to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 and the ways they are responding to COVID-19.
  • Roadmap to Pandemic Resilience
    Our Harvard colleagues and co-authors prescribe a course to pandemic resilience, not just recovery, building towards a US economy and infrastructure that can better withstand future shocks.

Together with you,

Brittany Butler signature

Brittany Butler
Executive Director, SICI
Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy, HKS