Willow Latham is working on a proposition to capture and store polluted Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) with a cost-effective and low-impact method, using floating storage units to create a deployable, flexible network. The team, based in New York City, aims to scale this solution to reach high-need, financially stressed communities facing the need for sewer system upgrades around the world.
Willow graduated in 2019 as a concurrent degree student in the Master in Public Administration program at HKS and the Master of Urban Planning program at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. She previously worked as a Junior Professional Associate in the Water Global Practice at the World Bank’s Brazil office, helping manage urban water supply and sanitation projects in Brazil’s northeast and the State of São Paulo, and as a city planner supervising land use, resilience, and stormwater projects at the Jersey City Planning Department. Willow has an undergraduate degree in Environmental Science and Public Policy from Harvard College.