José Luis Gallegos graduated from Harvard Kennedy School in 2020 with a Master’s in Public Administration. He was a Fulbright scholar and the founder of the youth movement in Mexico called Ateneo Nacional de la Juventud, A.C. Before coming to HKS, José worked as a Legislative Advisor in the Mexican Congress and as a Political Advisor in the Chairman’s Office of the Party of the Democratic Revolution. He managed nationwide political campaigns and organized grassroots initiatives on topics such as anti-corruption, accountability, and human rights. José majored in Political Science at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). In 2014, he founded the Observatory of Youth Rights, a policy-monitoring platform where young citizens analyze government programs and issue policy recommendations. Due to this initiative, he was recognized by Mexico City’s government with the “Youth Award 2015”. As a Cheng Fellow, he incubated Acción Colectiva, a campaign platform that allows citizens to launch a petition and gather various ways of collective support. Users also get training in organizing and mobilizing techniques that they implement to advocate for public issues. Acción Colectiva’s mission is to include ordinary citizens in the decision-making process.