Congratulations to Professor Julie Battilana, SICI’s Founder and Faculty Chair, for receiving two honors from the Academy of Management (AOM). In June, Julie was selected as one of 17 AOM Fellows for 2022. Then, in August, Power, for All: How It Really Works and Why It’s Everyone’s Business, co-authored by Julie and Tiziana Casciaro, was selected as the winner of AOM’s 2022 George R. Terry Book Award.
George R. Terry Book Award
Power, for All: How It Really Works and Why It’s Everyone’s Business, co-authored by Julie and Tiziana Casciaro, was selected as the winner of AOM’s 2022 George R. Terry Book Award. The award is granted annually to the book judged to have made the most outstanding contribution to the global advancement of management knowledge during the last two years.
In reviewing the book, the committee noted the masterful blending of diverse literatures and research traditions to explore power in new ways.
“We are living in a time in which the negative aspects of power and the brute moves to acquire it are everywhere—from geopolitics to local school boards. Yet this also means it is a time in which understanding how this is being accomplished is essential. Then we can begin to see the possibilities of power as a means liberation and transformation. By explaining power’s inherently relational nature, the book also offers useful frameworks for practitioners, students, and researchers to study power and use it ethically.”
George R. Terry Book Award Selection Committee

AOM Fellows Group
The AOM Fellows Group recognizes members of Academy of Management who have made significant contributions to the science and practice of management and provides opportunities for fellowship and a forum for discussion among fellows.
Julie’s research examines the politics of change in organizations and in society. She’s especially focused on organizations and individuals that initiate and implement changes that diverge from the taken-for-granted norm—that break with the status quo. She has articles published in the Academy of Management Annals, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Harvard Business Review, Journal of Business Ethics, Leadership Quarterly M@n@gement, Management Science, Organization, Organization Science, Organization Studies, Research in Organizational Behavior, Stanford Social Innovation Review, and Strategic Organization. Her research has been featured in publications like the Boston Globe, Forbes, Huffington Post, The Guardian, and The Washington Post.